Many people think Estate Planning is only about where their money and property go after they die. While this is a key part, there is potentially a much more impactful question for you. What if you’re alive but not able to make your own decisions?
You may remember hearing about Terri Schiavo. At 26, her heart suddenly stopped beating. She was resuscitated; however, the time without oxygen lead to massive brain damage. She survived but in a vegetative state. She had no Health Care Surrogate or Living Will to express what she wanted if this happened. This led to a 7-year court battle between her husband and her parents.
By putting your wishes in writing, you can provide the roadmap. Your family will be able to make tough decisions on your behalf with confidence. They won’t have the additional burden of not knowing what you want. You will have a voice, even if you can’t speak.
Who do you want making your healthcare decisions?
What life saving measures do you want or not want?
How long do you want to be kept alive by machines?
Do you want to donate your organs?
If you don’t have Estate Planning documents in place, we encourage you to start today! Please reach out if you would like to discuss in more detail with an Advisor.